ChatGPT: What you need to know

ChatGPT by OpenAI is unquestionably the fastest, smartest, and most multimodal AI available today. It cannot only write, summarize, create images, and analyze data, but it can also ‘see,’ ‘hear,’ and ‘speak. ' The latest version, GPT-4o, is free for everyone! Experiment with the GPTs - I’ve included a few of my favorites in the resource section. Keep in mind that all LLMs hallucinate (make things up), and they are not a great source of reliable info due to knowledge cutoffs and limited access to online websites.

The latest ChatGPT updates:

  • Live language translation demo (link).

  • Real-time conversational speech demo (link).

  • Lullabies and whispers demo (link).

  • Sarcasm demo (link).

  • Singing demo (link)!


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