Balance & Wellness Prompts

  • "I want you to act as a wellness strategist and design a plan to integrate wellness activities into our regular team meetings and gatherings."

  • "I want you to act as a workshop planner and create a proposal for a recurring wellness workshop series for staff, discussing stress management, work-life balance, and mindful communication."

  • "I want you to act as a culture consultant, developing a strategy to promote a culture of wellness within the school communications team, with a focus on mental health and work-life balance."

  • "I want you to act as an HR innovator and outline a plan for introducing flexible work arrangements to support team members' wellness and work-life balance."

  • "I want you to act as a wellness campaign designer, creating a wellness challenge for the communications team, such as a step challenge or mindfulness practice, to foster healthy habits."

  • "I want you to act as a mental health advocate, preparing a guide with resources for mental health support and counselling services available to staff."

  • "I want you to act as a digital wellness promoter and establish a regular 'digital detox' day for the communications team to avoid burnout."

  • "I want you to act as an EQ trainer, designing a workshop on mindful communication and emotional intelligence to support a healthy work environment."

  • "I want you to act as a wellness coordinator, creating a wellness committee within the communications team to promote a wellness-oriented culture."

  • "I want you to act as a budget planner, proposing a 'wellness budget' for each team member to use towards fitness memberships or other wellness-related expenses."

  • "I want you to act as a feedback analyst, creating a plan to regularly survey team members on their wellness and job satisfaction, using this feedback to inform wellness initiatives."

  • "I want you to act as a webinar host, developing a series of wellness webinars tailored to the needs of the communications team."

  • "I want you to act as a health promoter, outlining a strategy for promoting physical health, like encouraging movement breaks or creating a team exercise group."

  • "I want you to act as a conversation facilitator, designing a plan for open and supportive discussions around mental health within the communications team."

  • "I want you to act as a meeting facilitator, developing a series of mini wellness breaks for team meetings, such as short guided meditations or stretching exercises."

  • "I want you to act as a resource curator, creating a wellness library with resources on mental health, nutrition, exercise, and mindfulness for the team."

  • "I want you to act as a leave policy innovator, designing a proposal for offering mental health days as part of the team's leave allowance."

  • "I want you to act as a recognition planner, outlining a plan to celebrate each team member's personal and professional achievements."

  • "I want you to act as a lunch and learn organizer, developing a series of sessions focused on wellness topics, like nutrition or work-life integration."

  • "I want you to act as an HR strategist, creating a strategy for incorporating wellness considerations into performance reviews and development plans."

  • "I want you to act as a retreat planner, planning a team-building retreat with a wellness focus, incorporating activities like yoga, mindfulness, or nature walks."

  • "I want you to act as a resilience trainer, proposing a plan to provide training on resilience and coping strategies for the communications team."

  • "I want you to act as a digital wellness consultant, creating a guide on digital wellness, including managing screen time and practicing digital mindfulness."

  • "I want you to act as a stress relief kit designer, developing a stress-relief kit for each team member, with items like stress balls or mindfulness coloring books."

  • "I want you to act as a team mentor, developing a strategy for regular check-ins with each team member, providing a safe space for them to share their wellness experiences and needs."

  • "I want you to act as a motivational coach, coming up with strategies to help someone stay disciplined while studying for an upcoming exam.”

  • "I want you to act as a relationship coach, offering suggestions on how to resolve conflicts between two people."

  • "I want you to act as a motivational speaker, crafting a speech that inspires action and encourages the audience to never give up."

  • "I want you to act as a life coach, developing strategies to help someone make better decisions and manage stress healthily."

  • "I want you to act as a pet behaviourist, offering strategies to help an owner understand and manage their aggressive German Shepherd's behaviour."

  • "I want you to act as a personal trainer, designing an exercise program for someone who wants to lose weight."

  • "I want you to act as a mental health adviser, providing guidance and advice to someone trying to manage depression symptoms."

  • "I want you to act as a dentist, suggesting potential treatments and best oral care practices for an individual sensitive to cold foods."

  • "I want you to act as a holistic healing doctor, developing a treatment plan for an elderly patient suffering from arthritis.”

  • "I want you to act as a stylist, recommending a flattering outfit for a client attending a business meeting."

  • "I want you to act as a resume expert, suggesting improvements for a college graduate’s resume looking for their first job."

  • "I want you to act as a dietitian, providing a healthy meal plan for someone who is diabetic and allergic to gluten."

  • "I want you to act as a psychologist, offering strategies to help a person overcome social anxiety."

  • "I want you to act as an interior decorator, providing ideas for someone who wants to redecorate their living room in a minimalistic style."

  • "I want you to act as a financial planner, offering tips to a young professional starting their first job and looking to save money."


Brand & Reputation Management Prompts


Events & Conference Planning Prompts