AI Must Try: Claude Projects

My ✨ AI you MUST try✨ series - featuring Claude Projects.

With my life on the line and ten seconds to answer, if someone asked me today what AI tool I couldn't live without, I would probably say Anthropic's Claude.

It's always my first stop lately.

Honestly, the new project feature is SO handy.

Think of projects as specialized mini AI conversations that help you organize all of your personal chats, content, and information about specific topics into individual expert files within your overall filing cabinet you can chat with anytime.

And each 'conversation' or project has a 200K context window.

👉 (A context window is how much information that 'file' can hold and refer to at one time. In this case, it's approximately a 500-page book).

For example, you can use Claude Projects to help you prepare for a professional exam, like the Accreditation in Public Relations (APR). It's easy!

1. Upload readings, sample exams, notes, rubrics, and build a knowledge base.

2. Use the project to help test your knowledge, create study aids, concept maps, and flashcards, and even grade your test responses. Ask Claude to help you understand complex topics and even come up with memory aids like jingles or anagrams for specific theories.

Here's the best part - you can SHARE these projects with others so you can collaborate with your team to build a shared knowledge database everyone can use and contribute to.

Think OpenAI's GPTs, but for Claude.

Only I think they might be better....

Have you tried projects yet? Any great ideas about how to put this to work within your organization or personal life?


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