Media Relations Prompts

  • Media Relations Fundamentals

    1. "I need to refresh our school district's media relations policy. What essential elements and considerations should it include for the digital age?"

    2. “Develop a media training curriculum for school staff and spokespeople. Include modules on interview techniques, message framing, and handling challenging questions.”

    3. “Create a crisis communication checklist specifically for media relations. Outline essential steps, key messages, and designated spokespeople.”

    4. “What are the most important metrics for measuring the success of our school district’s media relations efforts? How can we track and analyze these metrics?”

    5. "How can we leverage media monitoring tools and techniques to stay informed about our school district’s media coverage and identify potential issues?”

    Proactive Media Outreach and Relationship Building

    1. "Develop a comprehensive media list of local, regional, and even national media outlets and journalists who cover education, community news, or specific topics related to our school district’s strengths.”

    2. "Brainstorm creative pitch angles for stories about our school district that go beyond traditional announcements. Think about human interest, community impact, and unique program offerings."

    3. "Help me plan a media appreciation event to build relationships with journalists and editors who cover our district. What format and activities would be most effective?”

    4. "Draft a template for a media partnership proposal that we can use to collaborate with local media outlets on special projects or events.”

    5. “How can we use social media to build relationships with journalists and influencers who cover education and community news? Develop a social media engagement strategy.”

    Press Release Crafting and Distribution

    1. “Guide me through the process of writing an engaging press release that effectively communicates our school's latest achievements or initiatives. I want to focus on [specific achievement or initiative].”

    2. “Draft a press release announcing [a new education initiative in your school district], focusing on the impact and benefits for students and the community.”

    3. "Help me write a press release that announces a new partnership between our school district and [partner organization]. Highlight the benefits for students and the community.”

    4. “We want to issue a press release about [a challenging situation or issue facing the school district]. Help me craft a message that is transparent, empathetic, and addresses community concerns.”

    5. "Develop a strategy for distributing our press releases beyond traditional channels. How can we leverage social media, our website, and email marketing?”

    Media Interview Preparation and Management

    1. “Prepare a briefing document for [a school principal] due for a media interview related to [describe the incident]. Highlight potential questions, key talking points, and tips for handling difficult queries. Ask me any questions you need.”

    2. "Create a media training simulation to help our superintendent prepare for an upcoming interview on [a sensitive or potentially controversial topic].”

    3. "What are some strategies for bridging from a journalist's question to our school district's key messages during media interviews?”

    4. “Develop a post-interview protocol for tracking media coverage, evaluating our messaging, and identifying any follow-up actions.”

    Social Media for Media Relations

    1. “Develop a strategy for using social media to promote positive stories about the school district. This could include student achievements, unique programs, or community involvement initiatives."

    2. "Create a social media content calendar specifically for sharing media coverage, press releases, and other newsworthy information about our school district.”

    3. "How can we use social media listening tools to monitor conversations about our school district, identify potential issues, and inform our media relations strategies?”

    4. “Develop guidelines for school staff and spokespeople on using social media during a crisis or when responding to media inquiries.”

    Building Relationships with Media Professionals

    1. "Identify and list local media contacts that could be potential partners. Draft a plan for initial outreach and ongoing relationship management."

    2. "I want to build a stronger relationship with [specific journalist or media outlet]. Brainstorm personalized outreach ideas and potential collaboration opportunities.”

    3. "How can we use data and analytics to tailor our media pitches and communications to the specific interests of individual journalists and media outlets?”

    4. “Create a system for tracking our interactions with journalists, including pitches sent, interviews conducted, and any follow-up actions.”

    Managing Challenging Media Situations

    1. "Design a media campaign that highlights [a recent student achievement]. Consider what makes the story newsworthy, which outlets would be interested, and how to package the story for maximum impact."

    2. “Devise a plan for responding to a hypothetical negative news story about my school district. Outline key messages, communication channels, and stakeholder management.”

    3. "Create a comprehensive media kit for my school district, ensuring it covers essential elements such as key facts about the district, high-resolution images, bios of key figures, and recent press releases."

    4. "Write a strategy to handle (a situation where you need to correct a rumour or misinformation about your school district). Highlight key messages, audiences, and channels.”

    5. "Help me plan a media outreach program for a major event (like a graduation ceremony). Determine who to contact, how to pitch the story, and any unique angles that could make the story more appealing.”

    Crisis Communications and Reputation Management

    1. "I want you to act as a media relations specialist to help devise a strategy for managing crisis communications during unexpected events or controversies in our school district."

    2. "Help me create a crisis communication plan template that includes sections for [key elements like identifying spokespeople, drafting holding statements, and managing media inquiries].”

    3. "Develop a checklist of essential materials and resources to have prepared in advance of a media crisis, such as pre-drafted statements, contact lists, and social media templates.”

    Communicating School District Initiatives and Changes

    1. "I want you to act as a PR expert to prepare a comprehensive guide on effectively handling media queries about changes to the school district's curriculum."

    2. "Our school district is facing [a specific challenge or issue, e.g., budget cuts, declining enrollment, school closures]. Develop a media relations strategy to proactively address this issue and manage public perception.”

    3. "We’re implementing a new [policy/program/initiative] that will significantly impact students and families. Create a media outreach plan to inform the community and address potential questions or concerns.”

    Building and Maintaining Trust and Transparency

    1. "I want you to act as a communications consultant to outline a campaign for building and strengthening relationships with local news outlets."

    2. “Develop a set of guidelines for responding to media requests for information in a timely and transparent manner.”

    3. "How can we use our school district website and social media channels to proactively share information with the media and the public, promoting transparency and accessibility?”

    4. “What are some best practices for engaging with journalists on social media in a professional and ethical way?”

    Leveraging Media for Advocacy and Support

    1. "I want you to act as a media liaison to help develop a media outreach plan for promoting our school district's unique programs and successes."

    2. "I want you to act as a public relations officer to brainstorm potential story angles and press release topics that will engage local and education-focused media."

    3. "Develop a media advocacy strategy to garner support for [a specific school funding initiative or policy change].”

    4. "How can we use storytelling and human interest angles to create compelling media narratives that highlight the successes and challenges of our school district?”

    Ongoing Media Relations Management

    1. "I want you to act as a communications director to create an action plan for regularly updating the media with progress on long-term projects or initiatives in the school district."

    2. “Develop a system for tracking media coverage, analyzing its impact, and generating reports to share with school board members and district leaders.”

    3. "I want you to act as a media manager to set up guidelines for staff when they're being interviewed by the media."

    4. "I want you to act as a public affairs specialist to develop a list of key messages for our spokespeople to deliver in media interviews."


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